So I enjoyed it. I always love a good storm or a nice rainy day, and this one was beautiful, with a cool breeze to go along with it. It watered my little herb garden nicely, and somehow that inspired me to try reviving my poor withering blog, so here I am. I don't want to get too ambitious, so instead of tackling my general love for rainy days, let's focus on umbrellas. Even more specifically, broken umbrellas.
Umbrellas can be so beautiful, and I love the color they add to a gray day. Crowds carrying umbrellas always have a busy, sparkly look to them that I enjoy. For some reason, though, I also enjoy taking pictures of broken umbrellas, and my friends and family have kindly stopped to wait for me while I snap pictures of garbage in the middle of a downpour. Walk through the city on a good, rainy day, and soggy umbrella carcasses are everywhere.
They seem to be the only type of trash that's exempt from all litter rules. Once an umbrella breaks, it somehow becomes completely acceptable to just throw it to the ground in frustration, no matter where you are. Right in the middle of the street? Doesn't matter. There's a trash can five feet away? Doesn't matter. My umbrella broke, so I'm ditching it right here, right now. I can't have such a horrible thing in my hand one second longer.

That seems to be the attitude, and the faithful souls who give their umbrellas a respectful farewell in a trash can are few. I don't know if it's a subtle comment on cheap commercialism in the back of my mind, or something a little bit funny about the shameless way we abandon our umbrellas in utter digust when they've outlived themselves.
Either way, I always see something artistic in these poor broken wings. Here are a few umbrella shots that seemed worth sharing on a freshly-watered Tuesday evening, and I'm sure these won't be the last that I take.