Part 2: September, 2015
Part 1, if you recall, was quite some time ago. I've seen my friend the part-time music teacher a few times in the last many months, which gave her plenty of chances to tease me about where the Part 2 post telling the rest of her job story was. She has a point.
To be honest, I think I was waiting for a triumphant, victorious Part 2 story to tell. I wanted to tell how her patience and faithfulness had literally paid off, how she'd gotten a full-time job with a bright future and a good salary, and how life suddenly made sense.
I didn't want to tell how she had interviewed for some full-time teaching jobs and seen them given to other people, or how the grocery store she worked at to make up the rest of her income had closed, leaving her to learn the feelings that go with phrases like "severance package" and "termination date."
I didn't want to tell that story. That story frustrated me, confused me, and hurt me on behalf of my friend. I didn't want to wonder with her how ends would meet until the school year started again, or why nothing seemed to be improving.
But the girl living that story has kept after me to tell it, so I must have something to learn. Good thing she's a teacher.
"This is my third year in the same school--that's kind of cool!" she said. "It's a safe place to get better, and I wouldn't find that everywhere. In my first year of teaching, I saw God provide what I needed at the time, and last year, I saw the confidence He's building in me, so I was able to face new issues I couldn't have handled before."
When people (like me) are discouraged on her behalf, she's not. "You know, I've never been alone. God has not left me on my own, even literally--He gave me me a close friend at the grocery store who went through the same situation I did when it closed. And He provided a job right when I needed it to fill in that gap, and I know He is working. I don't love working two jobs, but it's cool to be part of what God is doing! I know I'm planting a lot of seeds. It's been crazy, but really cool!"
As we talk, I can see that it's true. She has found genuine joy where I would be frustrated, and she has looked for and found God to be working when things feel stagnant. She has refused to pity herself and decided instead to be faithful to her God and the steps in front of her. Let that sink in for a moment.
And so I understand why her story needs to be told. If I simply observe without listening, I can draw my own superficial conclusions. I will miss the blessing. I will conclude with frustration, but Laura concludes with joy and strength and excitement and love for those around her, whom she would never have known apart from this story.
When I listen, I see this: A faithful friend and worker. More than a conqueror. Trust and confidence in Jesus, with roots that have grown patiently deep.
"God has promised me Psalm 121, that I'll be blessed when I come in and when I go out. And I'm doing that every single day!" she said, and showed me the inscription she put in her lesson planner. This girl is far richer than I realize, and the story isn't nearly over.